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There's No Place Like Home

Claire and Gary college sweethearts, married for decades were at an impasse. They had been together foreer, and started taking each other for granted. When faced with problems they would normally tackle together, they turned elsewhere and struggled to find their way home.


Gary finds his biological family, Claire struggles with identity issues, and their son is forced to become an adult.


Will they be able to overcome sickness, addicition and deceit and remember what brought them together?

Everything Is A Big Deal, Until It's Not

The book is targeted at women going through the "change of life." What is changing is everything. You are no longer the young one, and all of the things you once anticipated and looked forward to have now happened. What comes next? How do you deal with aging, gaining weight, having an empty nest, age discrimination and becoming invisible as a new generation moves in. You need to figure out how to live in the moment and appreciate the cycle of life.